Expanding your vocabulary related to news is essential for staying informed and engaging in discussions about current events.

Vocabulary - News

Let’s explore key terms associated with various aspects of news reporting.

News vocabulary

  1. Headline: A brief, catchy summary of the main points of a news article, typically at the top.
  2. Article: A written piece providing information, analysis, or commentary on a specific topic.
  3. Journalist: A person who investigates, collects, and presents news and information to the public.
  4. Editor: A person responsible for overseeing and coordinating the content of a publication.
  5. Reporter: A journalist who gathers and reports news for various media outlets.
  6. Breaking News: Newly received information about an event currently occurring or developing.
  7. Exclusive: A news story or report that is published or broadcast by only one source.
  8. Byline: The name of the author of a news article, typically placed at the top.
  9. Op-Ed: An opinion piece in a newspaper, typically written by a guest writer.
  10. Coverage: The reporting and discussion of news events by the media.
  11. Editorial: An article expressing the opinion of the newspaper or media outlet.
  12. Press Release: A statement issued to the media to provide information or make an announcement.
  13. Source: A person, place, or thing that provides information for a news story.
  14. Fake News: False or misleading information presented as news, often with the intent to deceive.
  15. Censorship: The suppression or prohibition of news content deemed sensitive, harmful, or objectionable.
  16. Scoop: A news story or information reported before other news outlets.
  17. Correspondent: A journalist contributing news or commentary to a specific media outlet.
  18. Public Relations (PR): The practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or organization and the public.
  19. Caption: A brief explanation accompanying an illustration or photograph in a news article.
  20. Bias: Prejudice or favoritism in the presentation of information, often influencing perception.

By incorporating these news-related terms into your vocabulary, you’ll be better equipped to understand and discuss current events. Practice using these words in sentences to reinforce your language skills and engage in meaningful conversations about news topics. Stay tuned for more vocabulary lessons on our language-learning journey!

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