Being able to understand and give directions is crucial in navigating and communicating effectively.

Vocabulary - directions

In this vocabulary lesson, let’s explore words and phrases related to providing and receiving directions.

Directions vocabulary

  1. North: The direction towards the North Pole on a compass.
  2. South: The direction towards the South Pole on a compass.
  3. East: The direction towards the sunrise on a compass.
  4. West: The direction towards the sunset on a compass.
  5. Turn: Change direction, often used when moving from one street or path to another.
  6. Go straight: Continue in the same direction without turning.
  7. Left: The direction on the left side when facing forward.
  8. Right: The direction on the right side when facing forward.
  9. Intersection: A point where two or more roads or paths cross.
  10. Crosswalk: A marked path for pedestrians to cross a road.
  11. Traffic Light: A signaling device at intersections controlling the flow of vehicles and pedestrians.
  12. Roundabout: A circular intersection where traffic moves in one direction around a central island.
  13. Landmark: A recognizable feature used for navigation or as a point of reference.
  14. Mile: A unit of distance commonly used in road signs and navigation.
  15. Block: A section of a city or town surrounded by streets.
  16. Avenue: A wide road in a city or town, typically with trees on both sides.
  17. Street: A public road in a city or town, typically with buildings on both sides.
  18. Destination: The place to which someone is going or something is being sent.
  19. Follow the signs: Obey directional signs indicating the way to a particular place.

Congratulations on expanding your vocabulary related to directions! Whether you’re giving or following directions, using these words will help you navigate and communicate effectively. Practice incorporating them into your daily conversations to enhance your language skills. Stay tuned for more vocabulary lessons on our language-learning journey!

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