Everyday English is filled with expressions that add color and nuance to communication.

Vocabulary - common English expressions

In this vocabulary lesson, let’s explore some common English expressions used in daily conversations.

Common English expressions

  1. Break a leg: An expression to wish someone good luck.
  2. Hit the hay/sack: To go to bed or sleep.
  3. Spill the beans: To reveal a secret or disclose information.
  4. Cost an arm and a leg: Something very expensive.
  5. Bite the bullet: To endure a painful or difficult situation.
  6. Piece of cake: Something very easy to do.
  7. Hit the nail on the head: To describe exactly what is causing a situation or problem.
  8. Cry over spilled milk: To lament a situation that has already happened and cannot be changed.
  9. Burn the midnight oil: To work late into the night or early morning hours.
  10. Jump on the bandwagon: To adopt a popular activity or trend.
  11. The ball is in your court: It’s your turn to make a decision or take action.
  12. Let the cat out of the bag: To reveal a secret or disclose information unintentionally.
  13. Kick the bucket: A humorous way to say someone has died.
  14. Hit the road: To begin a journey or leave a place.
  15. Cut to the chase: To get to the main point without unnecessary details.
  16. To have a sweet tooth: To have a strong liking for sweet foods.
  17. Keep an eye on the ball: To stay attentive and focused on a task.
  18. The whole nine yards: Everything, all the way, the whole thing.
  19. Spitting image: A striking resemblance to someone.
  20. Bite off more than you can chew: To take on a task that is way too big or beyond one’s capability.

Congratulations on expanding your vocabulary with common English expressions! Using these phrases in your conversations will make your language more dynamic and natural. Practice incorporating them into your everyday speech to enhance your language skills. Stay tuned for more vocabulary lessons on our language-learning journey!

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