Confused words: Addenda vs. Agenda

In this lesson, we'll differentiate between the confused words: "Addenda" and "Agenda." Although they both relate to documents or schedules,…

Confused words: Adage vs. Axiom

In this lesson, we'll differentiate between the terms "Adage" and "Axiom." Both are expressions of wisdom or truth, but they…

Confused words: Ad hoc vs. Ad lib

In this lesson, we'll differentiate between the confused terms "Ad hoc" and "Ad lib". Though both phrases originate from Latin,…

Confused words: Ad vs. Add

In this lesson, we'll differentiate between the confused words: "Ad" and "Add." While they may sound similar, they serve different…

Confused words: Acute vs. Chronic

In this lesson, we'll distinguish between the confused words: "Acute" and "Chronic" concerning physical conditions. Both terms relate to the…

Confused words: Acme and Climax

In this lesson, we'll distinguish between the confused words "Acme" and "Climax." While both words denote peaks or high points,…