In this listening activity, you will follow a tale of two spirited goats in the enchanting story of ”Two Stubborn Goats.” Imagine a swiftly flowing river and a narrow log serving as the only bridge. What happens when pride and stubbornness clash? Join us as we follow the journey of these two goats and show the moral woven into their adventurous encounter. After this storytelling, test yourself with a short quiz. Let’s listen to the captivating narrative of ‘Two Stubborn Goats!

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] – Two stubborn goats. there was a swiftly flowing river and a narrow log was the only way to cross it. two goats came at the same time on either side of the log but their pride wouldn’t allow the other goat to cross first. one set foot on the bridge and so did the other until they met horn to horn in the middle.
(00:36) [Music] let me pass first said one of the goats. never ,you get out of my way said the other. while pushing each other both lost their balance and fell into the river. moral of the story: it is better to yield than to come to misfortune through stubbornness [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

Well done! You’ve reached the end of ‘Two Stubborn Goats’ story. What a riveting tale of pride, stubbornness, and an unexpected twist in the river. The story teaches us an important lesson about yielding and avoiding misfortune. We hope you enjoyed this engaging story. Now, let’s put your understanding to the test with a quiz. Ready to showcase your knowledge? Happy learning!

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