This listening activity will immerse you in the captivating fable of ”The Wolf and The House Dog.” Picture a hungry wolf and a well-fed house dog, and join us as we watch the video and unfold the tale of an unexpected encounter. As we examine the story, keep an eye out for the valuable lessons hidden within. After this storytelling adventure, test your listening with the quiz below. Let’s step into the world of ‘The Wolf and The House Dog.

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] the wolf and the house dog. once there was a wolf who was starving. he saw a healthy house dog passing by and greeted him humbly. the house dog saw the wolf sad condition. he asked the wolf to accompany him to his master so that he can get some food. the wolf felt very lucky and immediately agreed. suddenly
(00:38) the wolf noticed that the hair on the dog’s neck was worn and the skin was chafed. what is this, asked the wolf pointing at the dog’s neck oh it’s nothing said the dog this is where the collar is put on to keep me chained up. chained? then goodbye to you master dog, said the wolf and ran away into the woods. moral of the story: there
(01:12) is nothing worth so much as liberty and freedom [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

Well done! You’ve reached the conclusion of ‘The Wolf and The House Dog.’ What an intriguing story of hunger, companionship, and the pursuit of freedom. The wolf’s choice at the end teaches us a valuable lesson about the importance of liberty. We hope you enjoyed this insightful story. Now, let’s put your understanding to the test with a quiz. Are you ready to showcase your knowledge? Let’s dive into the quiz and continue our learning journey!

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