In this listening activity, you’re about to unravel the age-old debate between two powerful forces of nature in the enchanting story titled ”The Sun and The Wind.” Picture a playful challenge between the wind and the sun, each vying to prove their strength. As we examine this captivating tale, observe the strategies these elements employ to influence a shepherd boy and the valuable lesson that unfolds. After the story, you’ll delve into its deeper meanings and wrap up with a quiz to test your comprehension. Are you ready to bask in the warmth of ‘The Sun and The Wind’?

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] The Sun and the wind. the wind and the Sun were arguing who among them is more powerful. to settle their dispute, they agreed on a trial of strength. the Sun said: let’s see who could remove the Shepherd boy’s cloak from his back the quickest. the wind tried first he started blowing strong gusts of air the rabbit
(00:35) clung to the tree and the Sheep felled the fence tight the shepherd boy started shivering and held on to his book tighter the harder the wind blew the tighter the shepherd boy held on to his cloak finally the wind gave up it was the sun’s turn the Sun started shining brighter and brighter the shepherd boy
(01:06) felt very hot he took off his cloak and sat under the shade of a tree. the wind angrily asked: how did you do that? the Sun smiled and answered: Gentleness can be more powerful than force. the wind accepted his defeat. moral of the story: being gentle can be more powerful than using force [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

Bravo, dear learners! You’ve experienced the poetic struggle between ‘The Sun and The Wind,’ discovering the profound truth that gentleness can triumph over force. Now, it’s time to reinforce your understanding with a quiz. Let’s revisit the characters, the pivotal moment, and the moral of this delightful fable. Ready to shine in our quiz? Let’s proceed and see how well you’ve grasped the radiant wisdom within ‘The Sun and The Wind.

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