This listening activity is a journey into the world of talking animals with ”The Donkey and The Horse.” Imagine a washerman, a load of clothes, and the scorching sun as you delve into a tale of friendship, humility, and a valuable lesson. Keep your senses keen, for this story unfolds the consequences of a simple choice made by our four-legged friends. After the story, you’ll explore the moral it unveils and challenge your understanding with a quiz. Excited to discover the wisdom hidden in ‘The Donkey and The Horse’?

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] the donkey and the horse. once there lived a washerman who owned a donkey and a horse the washerman used the donkey to carry clothes to pond and bag. he used to ride on the horse on the trip to the pond. one day the watchman put a heavy load of clothes on the donkey’s back and took him to the pond to wash them.
(00:32) he took the horse along with him it was a very hot day and the donkey felt tired soon. the donkey’s back started paining. he asked the horse: would you please take half of the load on your back? the horse replied impolitely: why should I carry your load? I will only carry our master. they continued walking and the day got hotter. the donkey was exhausted. he could not walk on any longer and collapsed on
(01:10) the ground. the washerman immediately removed a load of clothes from the donkey’s back he gave the donkey some water to drink and put the load of clothes on the horse’s back. the load was indeed quite heavy. the horse thought: I should have taken half of the load when the donkey had asked my help he realized
(01:38) his mistake. moral of the story: always be friendly to others and help them [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

Well done! ‘The Donkey and The Horse’ has painted for us a vivid picture of friendship and the impact of a choice. Now, let’s put your newfound knowledge to the test with a quiz. Reflect on the journey of our characters, ponder the moral they learned, and get ready to showcase your insights. Are you ready for the challenge? Let’s uncover the final layers of wisdom from ‘The Donkey and The Horse’!

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