Welcome to another listening activity with the story of ”The Cat Maiden.” Picture a feline enchanted into a human, a curious debate between fairies, and the unraveling of true nature. As we venture through this magical tale, keep an eye on the profound question it poses: Can one’s essence truly change? After the story, you’ll look at its moral lesson and cap it off with a quiz to test your understanding. Ready to explore the enchanting world of ‘The Cat Maiden’?

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] Two fairies were debating if it was possible for a living being to change its nature. one said yes but the other said no. to settle the dispute the first fairy turned a cat into a maiden with her wand she said to the second fairy now let’s see what happens the fairy got the cat maid married to a young man after the wedding
(00:36) the couple sat down wedding fees see how well she is behaving who could tell that yesterday she was but a cat surely her nature has changed, the first fairy saidto the second. wait a minute replied the second fairy he let loose a mouse into the room with the flick of her wand. as soon as the bride saw this
(01:08) she jumped up from her seat and started chasing the mouse. the second fairy smiled at the first and said: see I told you.moral: the true nature of a person doesn’t change [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

Well done! ‘The Cat Maiden’ has unfolded before us a tale of magical transformations and the timeless question of whether one’s true nature can change. Now, let’s put your comprehension to the test with a quiz. Reflect on the events of our story and ponder the deep moral lesson it imparts. Are you prepared to showcase your insights in our quiz and unveil the final mysteries of ‘The Cat Maiden’?

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