This listening activity takes us into the heart of a friendly rivalry between two clever creatures—” The Cat and the Fox”. In this enchanting tale, witness the clash of wits as they debate over who possesses the superior survival skills. ‘The Cat and The Fox’ promises not only a delightful narrative but also valuable lessons about the power of simplicity and the virtue of mastering one skill. After the story, get ready for an exciting quiz to test your understanding of this fable’s underlying wisdom. So, fasten your seatbelts, and let’s dive into the intriguing world of ‘The Cat and The Fox.

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Video transcript (click here )

🐱The Cat and The Fox 🦊

(00:00) [Music] Once a cat and a fox got into an argument about who was more clever. I know so many tricks to save myself from the predator, how many do you know? asked the Fox. I know just one trick but that one trick is enough, replied the cat. and then they saw a pack of hounds fast approaching them. the cat quickly climbed up the tree
(00:36) hiding behind the leaves. this is my trick, called the cat. now let me see yours. the Fox had so many plans to escape but it could not decide which one to try first. in the end, the hounds caught him. morale: one thing done properly is better than many things done poorly [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

As you bid farewell to the enchanting story of ‘The Cat and The Fox,’ let the moral of this fable linger in your thoughts. Sometimes, the simplest solution proves to be the most effective. Now, gear up for an interactive quiz that will gauge your comprehension of this clever narrative. Get ready to unravel the timeless wisdom hidden beneath the fur and whiskers of these cunning characters. Are you prepared for the challenge? Let’s find out together!

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