This listening activity is about a tale that transports us to a tranquil village where a mischievous shepherd boy weaves a tale that will echo through the ages. In ”The Boy Who Cried Wolf,” witness the consequences of playing tricks on those who rush to our aid. Pay close attention to the subtle lessons it imparts about trust, honesty, and the impact of our words. Following this engaging story, prepare yourselves for a quiz that will test not only your comprehension but also your ability to discern the moral at its core. Are you ready to explore ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf?

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] The boy who cried wolf. a shepherd boy was watching his flock of sheep he felt really bored so he thought of amusing himself he stood up and started shouting wolf wolf, to attract the attention of people in the village the villagers came running to help him but they saw no wolf, just the boy laughing at them. the
(00:33) villagers were angry. the boy repeated this again the next day, the people again came but there was no wolf. they angrily said foolish boy, when there is actually a wolf no one will believe you. one day the boy was resting, suddenly he saw a wolf approaching his sheep. the boy shouted wolf wolf but people in the village thought that
(01:07) the boy was lying as usual. later, when the boy didn’t come, back the villagers came looking for him. the boy was weeping ”why didn’t you come?” the wolf came and ate my sheep”. The villages comforted him and said: let this be a lesson to you. you must never lie. moral of the story: nobody believes a liar even when he is telling the truth [Music]

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

As you conclude our journey through ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf,’ ponder the age-old wisdom encapsulated in this cautionary tale. Reflect on the repercussions of deception and the importance of credibility in our words. Now, brace yourselves for an interactive quiz that will challenge you to unravel the moral intricacies of this story. Get ready to separate fact from fiction and delve into the depths of honesty. Let’s embark on this quest for understanding together!

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