Welcome to another listening acticity. This video is about a fascinating story titled ”Rhona’s Robo Hobbies.” Explore the unique and exciting hobbies that make Rhona a truly extraordinary robot. From the thrilling world of Robo-skating to the rhythmic beats of Robo-dance, Rhona dazzles us with her multifaceted talents. As you witness her artistic endeavors and culinary experiments, it’s clear that Rhona’s interests know no bounds. So, fasten your gears and join us on this adventure into the world of ‘Rhona’s Robo Hobbies.

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Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] Rona’s Robo hobbies robots have great hobbies just like many people do Rona has some favorites which she wants to show to you she says I really love escape ooh Robo skating school and she does a demonstration on the way to Robo school [Music] rollerskates inline skates and a skateboard – Rona can just change her
(00:43) feet all with a simple screw after school she shows us how a robot dance is done she loves dancing it’s a lot of fun that’s not all Rona also loves to paint she even loves to play ball games with her friend Trent Rona loves to cook but you shouldn’t try it my favorite food I admit there are several hobbies though that
(01:27) robots could not do paddling is one of them it rests my Robo huge Oh silly me says Rona hmm nevermind no panic she puts her skateboard face on and skates to a mechanic [Music]

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As you conclude this journey through Rhona’s diverse hobbies, we hope you found inspiration in her passion for exploration and creativity. Perhaps you’re intrigued by the idea of trying something new, just like Rhona. What hobby resonated with you the most? Feel free to share your thoughts or even share your own exciting hobbies. Until our next adventure in the realm of stories, keep exploring, learning, and embracing the joy of discovering new passions. Farewell, young enthusiasts, until we meet again!

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