In this listening activity, you will have another great short story titled ”Rhona’s RoboCar Ride.” Get ready for a thrilling ride through the bustling streets of Robo Town as Rhona and her family embark on a high-flying adventure. With a car that can soar through the skies, every destination becomes a magical realm waiting to be explored. So, fasten your seatbelts and let the winds of excitement carry us away as we dive into ‘Rhona’s RoboCar Ride.

Watch the video and listen

Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) Rhona’s robocar ride [Music] Rhona the robot is excited. she’s whizzing all around she’s going out for the day she’s going to Robotown [Music] she’s going with her brother and her robot parents too. perhaps she’ll go to robot shops or visit RoboZoo [Music] but Rhona doesn’t really care where it is they go, it’s how they plan to get there
(00:42) that Rhona wants to know. [Music] she really loves to travel especially in cars. ”you’ll understand once you have seen ours” [Music] it has a shiny hood with lightning stripes in White and the headlights at the front are very bright [Music] Rhona loves their car and there’s one more reason why; this is not just any car
(01:17) our robocar can fly. we’re going in the flying car, says Rhona’s Robo dad. Rhona gets in the car and she’s looking very glad. the robocar is so much fun just see their Robo faces zooming all around town they fly to many places.

Uncover your listening skills with this quiz

As the RoboCar adventure comes to an end, we hope you enjoyed the whirlwind of excitement that Rhona and her family experienced in their flying car. The sky’s the limit when you have a car that can take you to new heights! Until our next adventure unfolds, keep dreaming big and exploring the endless possibilities that lie ahead. Take the quiz above to tedt you understanding. Happy learning!

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