Are you ready for another listening activity? This tale is titled: ”Rhona and the RoboFactory’‘. Join us on this extraordinary journey where Rhona, the lively robot, explores the art of building new friends in the magical Robo Town. The RoboFactory, with its conveyor belts and unique parts, becomes the birthplace of a charming new companion for Rhona. Get ready to witness the creation of smiles, wheels, and arms, all coming together to form a delightful new friend. So, without further ado, let’s look at the mesmerizing story of ‘Rhona and the RoboFactory.

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Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) Rhona and the RoboFactory. building brand new friends is not something people do you have to find existing ones you cannot build from new [Music] but Robo friends are different they can be made from scratch let’s make a friend for Rhona from a most unusual batch on the conveyor belts. we have some different parts so we’ll pull down the
(00:39) lever to start [Music] first we need to choose a head which one looks most fun Rhona takes a careful look then she picks the smiley one now we need a body for her Robo friend. Rhona finds the perfect one but this isn’t the end two steel legs to stand on and sneaker feet or heels; no I’ve got a better plan
(01:11) Rhona chooses Wheels now finally some arms super strong and bendy let’s get the motor running and see if he is friendly [Music] very pleased to meet you I’m newly made today please give me a name I cannot wait to go and play

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As the story at the RoboFactory comes to a close, we hope you enjoyed the magical process of creating a new friend for Rhona. Remember, friendship can blossom in the most unexpected places, and sometimes, all it takes is a bit of imagination. Until our next adventure, keep exploring the wonders of friendship and the joy that it brings. Don’t forget to take the quiz to test your listening skills. Happy learning!

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