Welcome to another English listening lesson featuring “Mr. Orange is Lost“! In this delightful story, you join the fruit friends as they embark on a mission to find Mr. Orange, who seems to have disappeared. With each fruit offering a humorous suggestion of where he might be, the friends search high and low, only to discover Mr. Orange enjoying a relaxing day by the desk fan with a book. Through this entertaining tale, beginner English learners will have the opportunity to practice vocabulary related to locations, activities, and emotions while enjoying the antics of their fruity friends.

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Video transcript (click here )

(00:00) [Music] Mr. orange is lost. today the fruits are just floating around in the washing up Bowl but mr. orange is nowhere to be seen. mr. orange is so energetic and zesty I bet he’s gone for a hill roll, says miss Apple. they decide to go look for Mr Orange. they get to the bottom of the hill but mr. orange is not there puff-puff-puff-puff
(00:31) he’s so full of vitamins. maybe he’s jogging in the park, says Mr. Banana. the fruit friends raced to the park but they don’t find him. Mr. orange is so healthy maybe he’s swimming says Miss Strawberry. so the fruit friends walked to the beach and wade into the sea but there’s no sign of mr. orange.
(00:59) perhaps he’s exercising at home, Miss Apple suggests. so the fruits walk home tired but mr. orange isn’t exercising at home either but then Miss Strawberry spots something and they’re lying down by the desk fan with a book is mr. orange oh oh you all look tired, me, I’ve had a very relaxing day. he giggles
(01:34) [Music]

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You’ve reached the end of our English listening adventure with “Mr. Orange is Lost Today”! We hope you enjoyed following the fruit friends on their quest to find Mr. Orange and chuckled along the way at their humorous suggestions. Remember, sometimes the most unexpected places hold the answers we seek. Keep honing your English listening skills by exploring more entertaining stories like this one. Until next time, happy learning and may your days be filled with unexpected surprises and laughter!

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