Expressing wishes and regrets involves using specific verb forms and structures in English.

Grammar - Wishes and regrets

In this lesson, we will explore how to communicate desires, hopes, and regrets effectively by examining the use of verb tenses and structures in these contexts.

Expressing wishes:

Present wishes (Unreal present):

Structure: Subject + wish + past simple


I wish I had more time.


Expressing unreal or impossible present situations.

Past wishes (Unreal past):

Structure: Subject + wish + past perfect


She wishes she had studied harder.


Expressing regrets about unreal or unfulfilled past situations.

Expressing general wishes:

Structure: Subject + wish + would + base form of the verb


I wish you would call me.


Expressing general wishes or desires for someone else’s behavior.

Expressing regrets:

Using “Regret” (Formal)

Structure: Subject + regret + to-infinitive


She regrets to inform you that the event is canceled.


Formal expression of regret often used in business or formal communication.

Using “Sorry” (Informal)

Structure: Subject + be sorry + to-infinitive


We are sorry to hear about your loss.


Informal way of expressing regret or sympathy.

A common mistake to avoid:

Incorrect use of tenses:

Incorrect: I wish I have a car.

Correct: I wish I had a car.

Importance of verb forms:

Verb forms convey the level of formality and structure in wishes and regrets.

Choosing the correct tense is crucial for accurately expressing the time frame of the desired or regretted situation.

Conclusion: In conclusion, understanding the appropriate verb forms and structures for expressing wishes and regrets is essential for effective communication in English. Whether conveying desires for unreal situations or expressing sincere regrets, choosing the correct tense and form helps convey your sentiments accurately. Practice using these structures in various contexts to strengthen your language skills. Happy learning!

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