The words “whenever,” “wherever,” “whatever,” “whoever,” and “however” are compound words that combine relative pronouns with adverbs.

Grammar - Whenever, wherever, whatever, whoever and however

In this lesson, we will explore their meanings and usage to convey specific ideas in different contexts.



Whenever” is used to refer to any time or every time that something happens.


Whenever I see a rainbow, it makes me smile.

Call me whenever you need assistance.



Wherever” is used to refer to any place or every place where something happens.


I’ll follow you wherever you go.

Put the keys wherever you like.



Whatever” is used to refer to anything or everything.


I’ll eat whatever you cook.

Choose whatever color you prefer.



Whoever” is used to refer to any person or every person.


Whoever left the door open, please close it.

I’ll hire whoever has the best qualifications.



However” is used to introduce a contrasting idea or to express “in whatever way” or “to whatever extent.”


She will finish the project on time. However, she needs more resources. (Introducing a contrasting idea)

You can do it however you like. (expressinE “in whatever way“)

A common mistake to avoid

Confusing “Whoever” and “Whomever”:

Use “whoever” when the word is a subject, and “whomever” when it’s an object.

Incorrect: I’ll hire whomever is available.

Correct: I’ll hire whoever is available.

Importance of context

These words are versatile and can be used in various contexts to convey flexibility and openness.

The choice between them depends on the specific meaning you want to convey.

Mastering the use of “whenever,” “wherever,” “whatever,” “whoever,” and “however” adds versatility to your language skills. By understanding their meanings and applying them appropriately, you can express ideas of time, place, choice, person, and contrast with precision. Practice using these words in different contexts to enhance your language proficiency. Happy learning!

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