Superlative forms are used to express the highest degree or quality among three or more things. Whether dealing with adjectives or adverbs, understanding how to form superlatives is crucial for highlighting the topmost quality or attribute.

Grammar - Superlative forms in English

In this grammar lesson, we’ll explore the superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs, along with their usage.

Superlative forms of adjectives:

Adding “est”:

For most one-syllable adjectives, add “-est” to the adjective to form the superlative.


Tall → Tallest

Fast → Fastest

Ending in “e”:

If the adjective ends in “e,” simply add “-st” to form the superlative.


Large → Largest

Brave → Bravest

One vowel, One consonant:

For one-syllable adjectives with one vowel and one consonant, double the final consonant before adding “-est.”


Big → Biggest

Hot → Hottest

Two or more syllables:

For adjectives with two or more syllables, use “most” before the adjective to form the superlative.


Beautiful → Most Beautiful

Interesting → Most Interesting

Superlative forms of adverbs:

Adding “est”:

Similar to adjectives, most one-syllable adverbs can take the “-est” ending.


Fast → Fastest

Early → Earliest

Ending in “ly”:

For adverbs ending in “ly,” use “most” before the adverb to indicate the superlative.


Quickly → Most Quickly

Happily → Most Happily

Using superlative forms:

Comparing three or more things:

Superlative forms are used when comparing three or more things.


Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world.

Expressing the highest degree:

Use superlatives to express the highest degree or quality.


She is the most talented musician in the band.

Common mistakes to avoid:

Using “Est” or “Most” incorrectly:

Incorrect: This is the most smallest box.

Correct: This is the smallest box.

Omitting “Est” or “Most”:

Incorrect: He is the fast runner on the team.

Correct: He is the fastest runner on the team.

Mastering superlative forms is essential for expressing the highest degree or quality in English. Whether dealing with adjectives or adverbs, understanding the rules for forming superlatives enhances your ability to communicate effectively. Keep practicing, and soon, using superlative forms will become second nature. Happy learning!

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