So am I” and “Neither do I” are expressions used in English to indicate agreement with a positive or negative statement, respectively. These expressions are commonly used in conversation to show that the speaker shares a similar opinion, experience, or sentiment.

Grammar - So am I and Neither do I

In this lesson, we’ll delve into the structure, usage, and examples of both expressions.

“So am I”:


So am I” is used to express agreement with a positive statement made by someone else.

It is a way of saying that the speaker shares the same opinion or experience.


Statement: “I am in love with hiking in the mountains.”

Response: “So am I!” (Meaning: I am also in love with hiking in the mountains.)

Statement: “She is hungry.”

Response: “So am I!” (Meaning: I am also hungry.)

“Neither do I”:


Neither do I” is used to express agreement with a negative statement made by someone else.

It is a way of saying that the speaker shares the same lack of experience, preference, or opinion.


Statement: “I don’t like spicy food.”

Response: “Neither do I.” (Meaning: I also don’t like spicy food.)

Statement: “He isn’t a fan of horror movies.”

Response: “Neither do I.” (Meaning: I also am not a fan of horror movies.)

Mastering the use of “So am I” and “Neither do I” adds versatility to your conversational skills and allows you to express agreement effectively. Practice using these expressions in different scenarios to become more comfortable with their usage. Happy learning!

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