In the present continuous tense, negative sentences are formed by using the present simple form of the verb “to be” (am/are/is) along with the word “not” and the present participle (base form + –ing) of the main verb.

Grammar - Present continuous negative

Here’s how to construct present continuous negative sentences:


Subject + am / is / are (present simple forms of “to be“) + Not + Present Participle (Base Form + –ing) of the Main Verb + Complements or Additional Information


I am not reading a book now.

She is not eating lunch right now.

We are not watching a movie tonight.

They are not playing tennis.

The sun is not shining brightly.

Table: Present continuous – negative form

Subject PronounPresent Continuous NegativeExamples
Iam not + verb-ingI am not watching TV at the moment.
Youare not (aren’t) + verb-ingYou aren’t attending the meeting tomorrow.
He/She/Itis not (isn’t) + verb-ingShe isn’t studying Spanish this semester.
Weare not (aren’t) + verb-ingWe aren’t going on vacation this summer.
You (plural)are not (aren’t) + verb-ingYou aren’t playing video games right now.
Theyare not (aren’t) + verb-ingThey aren’t renovating their house this year.


Negating current actions:

Used to express that an action is not happening at the moment of speaking.


I am not working right now.

Denying temporary actions or situations:

Used to deny actions or situations that are temporary or occurring around the present time.


They are not staying at the hotel this weekend.

Expressing lack of changes or developments:

Used to express that there are no changes or developments currently taking place.


Prices are not increasing rapidly.

Denying actions with a fixed future arrangement:

Used to express that a planned action with a fixed arrangement in the near future is not happening.


We are not meeting at the cafe tomorrow.

Common mistakes to avoid:

Incorrect: She not is eating lunch.

Correct: She is not eating lunch. (Place “not” after the present continuous form of “to be.”)

Incorrect: We not are watching a movie.

Correct: We are not watching a movie. (Place “not” after the present continuous form of “to be.”)

Understanding how to form and use present continuous negative sentences allows you to express the absence of ongoing actions or situations in English. Practice constructing negative sentences in the present continuous tense to enhance your language skills. Happy learning!

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