Possessive pronouns serve a crucial role in English grammar by replacing nouns and indicating ownership or possession. Unlike possessive adjectives, possessive pronouns stand alone and do not modify a noun.

Grammar - possessive pronouns in English

In this grammar lesson, we’ll explore possessive pronouns, their forms, and how to use them accurately to convey possession in sentences.

Forms of possessive pronouns:


Replaces the speaker’s noun to indicate ownership.


The red car is yours; the blue one is mine.


Replaces the noun of the person or people being addressed.


Is this your book? No, it’s yours.


Replaces the noun of a male person.


The hat on the table is not mine; it’s his.


Replaces the noun of a female person.


The necklace is not yours; it’s hers.

5. Its:

Replaces the noun of a non-living thing or an animal.


The puppy lost its toy.


Replaces the noun of a group that includes the speaker.


Their house is big, but ours is even bigger.


Replaces the noun of one or more people being addressed (plural).


Are these your keys? No, they’re yours.


Replaces the noun of a group that does not include the speaker.


The children have their toys, and the adults have theirs.

Using possessive pronouns:

Standalone use:

Possessive pronouns replace nouns and can stand alone in a sentence.


Is this her jacket? No, it’s mine.

Avoiding repetition:

Use possessive pronouns to avoid repeating the noun.


These are our books, and those are theirs.

Common mistakes to avoid:

Confusing “It’s” with “Its”:

Incorrect: The cat is cleaning it’s fur.

Correct: The cat is cleaning its fur.

Using possessive pronouns as adjectives:

Incorrect: I love mine new car.

Correct: I love my new car.

Possessive pronouns provide a concise and effective way to express ownership without repeating nouns. Mastering the use of these pronouns enhances your ability to communicate precisely and efficiently in English. Keep practicing, and soon, using possessive pronouns will become second nature. Happy learning!

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