Adverbs play a crucial role in modifying verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs, providing additional information about how, when, where, or to what degree an action occurs. The position of adverbs within a sentence is important for conveying precise meanings.

Grammar - Adverb position

In this lesson, we’ll explore the common positions of adverbs and how they impact the overall structure of sentences.

Adverb positions

Front of the sentence:


Quickly, she finished her homework.


Placing an adverb at the beginning of a sentence emphasizes the manner in which the action is performed.

Mid-position (Between subject and verb / After modal verbs):


She can easily solve the problem.


Adverbs are often placed after the subject and before the main verb or after modal verbs like can, should, etc, to emphasize the adverbial phrase.

End of the sentence:


She danced gracefully.


Placing adverbs at the end of a sentence is common and doesn’t disrupt the natural flow. It often emphasizes the entire action.

With the verb “To be” (Am, Is, Are, Was, Were, etc.):


The presentation is well organized.


Adverbs can be placed after the verb “to be” to modify the subject or describe the state.

Before adjectives or other adverbs:


He is very intelligent.


Adverbs can intensify or modify adjectives or other adverbs when placed before them.

Sentence adverbs (Modifying the whole sentence):


Fortunately, the weather improved.


Adverbs like fortunately, unfortunately, generally modify the entire sentence and are often placed at the beginning.

Importance of adverb placement:

Clarity and precision:

Correct placement ensures that the adverb modifies the intended element in the sentence, providing clear and precise information.


Strategic placement can emphasize specific aspects of the action, contributing to the overall tone and meaning of the sentence.

Understanding the various positions of adverbs in a sentence is essential for effective communication in English. By mastering the correct placement, you can convey nuances, emphasize specific details, and enhance the overall clarity of your expressions. Practice incorporating adverbs in different positions to strengthen your language skills. Happy learning!

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