Summarizing is a valuable skill in English that allows you to condense information while retaining the essential points.

English conversation - summarizing your speech in a conversation

Whether you’re a student, a professional, or simply interested in language learning, this lesson will guide you through essential expressions for creating clear and effective summaries in English.

To begin a summary:

To start a summary, you can use expressions such as:

  • “In summary,”
  • “In brief,”
  • “To make it short,” or
  • “To summarize.”


In summary, the author explains the main causes of climate change.”

To indicate key points:

To indicate key points, you can use expressions like:

  • “The essential elements are,”
  • “The main ideas are,”
  • “The important facts to remember are,” or
  • “The key arguments are.”


The essential elements of this theory are easy to understand.”

To enumerate:

To enumerate elements, use expressions like:

  • “Firstly,”
  • “Secondly,”
  • “Next,”
  • “Finally,” or
  • “On one hand… On the other hand.”


Firstly, the author introduces the context, then examines the consequences.”

To give an example:

When providing an example, use expressions such as:

  • “For example,”
  • “To illustrate,”
  • “A significant example is,” or
  • “Let’s take the example of..”


For example, let’s take the case of the Industrial Revolution.”

To conclude a summary:

To conclude your summary effectively, use expressions like:

  • “In conclusion,”
  • “To summarize briefly,”
  • “In summary,” or
  • “In the end.”


In conclusion, this study demonstrates the importance of environmental sustainability.”

To paraphrase:

Paraphrasing is useful when you want to summarize using your own words. Use expressions like:

  • “In other words,”
  • “To put it differently,” or
  • “Simply put.”


In other words, the author explains that technology influences our society in various ways.”

To mention chronological order:

If the content you’re summarizing follows chronological order, use expressions like:

  • “At the beginning,”
  • “Next,”
  • “Later,”
  • “Finally,” or
  • “In the end.”


At the beginning of the story, the main character faces a dilemma.”

By using these expressions, you’ll be able to create clearer and more structured summaries in English. Remember to practice regularly to enhance your summarization skills, whether by reading articles, watching videos, or listening to speeches. Happy learning!

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