Reflection is a valuable skill that allows you to respond thoughtfully and precisely. However, it’s sometimes necessary to gain time to think carefully before answering a question or participating in a conversation.

English conversation - gaining time to think during a conversation

In this lesson, we’ll explore tips for English learners, including using expressions that help you gain time and structure your thoughts. Let’s start!


This expression is commonly used to introduce a response or explanation.


Well, I think the best approach would be to…”

“Um” or “Uh”

These sounds are often used to indicate that you’re taking a moment to think.


Um, let me think about that for a moment.”

“Let me see”

Use this expression to signal that you need a moment to consider your response.


Let me see, how can I explain this…”


Use “so” to introduce your response after taking a moment to reflect.


So, I believe the most effective solution would be…”

“You know”

“You know” is commonly used to buy time and explain your thoughts.


You know, I was thinking about the best way to…”

“Well, you see”

This phrase combines “well” and “you see” to introduce a thoughtful response.


Well, you see, my perspective on this matter is…”

“I mean”

Use “I mean” to clarify your thoughts and gain a moment to think.


I mean, it’s a complex issue, and I need a moment to formulate my response.”

“Let’s see”

This expression is used to convey that you’re actively considering your response.


Let’s see, how can I explain this more clearly…”

“Hold on”

“Hold on” can be used to request a moment to gather your thoughts.


Hold on, I want to make sure I express this correctly.”


Use “actually” to reintroduce a topic after taking a moment to think.


Actually, upon further consideration, I believe the solution is…”

By using these expressions, you’ll be able to gain time for reflection while engaging in conversations in English thoughtfully. Practice regularly to enhance your ability to structure your responses and develop your language skills. Happy practicing!

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