Knowing how to apologize is an essential skill in daily life and social interactions. Whether expressing regrets, offering apologies, or seeking forgiveness, mastering different expressions and apology formulas in English is crucial for communicating appropriately and respectfully.

English conversation - apologizing

In this lesson, we will present a practical guide on how to apologize in English, helping you feel more at ease in your English interactions.

Common expressions for apologizing

There are various ways to apologize in English. Here are some common expressions you can use in different situations:

“Excuse me”:

This expression can be used to apologize in both informal and formal situations.

For example, if you accidentally bump into someone on the street, you can say:

“Excuse me!”

to offer your apologies.


This is a more familiar formula, often used in less formal situations.

For instance, if you are running late for an appointment, you can say,

“Sorry for the delay!”

“I’m sorry”:

This expression is more formal and can be used in situations where you want to express deep regret.

For example, if you make a significant mistake, you can say,

“I’m really sorry for what happened.”

Expressions for seeking forgiveness

In addition to offering apologies, you can also seek forgiveness in English.

Here are some useful expressions:

“Please forgive me”:

Use this expression when you want to ask for forgiveness politely and respectfully.

For example, if you’ve done something wrong, you can say,

“Please forgive me for my behavior.”

“I apologize”:

This formula is also commonly used to seek forgiveness. For instance, if you’ve forgotten something important, you can say,

“I apologize for this oversight.”

Expressing gratitude after apologizing

After apologizing, it is common to express your gratitude to the person who has forgiven you. Here are some expressions to do so:

“Thank you for forgiving me”:

Use this expression to show your appreciation to the person who has forgiven you.

“I am grateful for your understanding”:

This formula is more formal and demonstrates your gratitude to the person who has shown understanding.

Apologizing is an important skill when learning a foreign language, as it demonstrates your respect for others and your willingness to rectify your mistakes. By mastering apology expressions in English, you will be able to communicate more effectively and appropriately.

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