In this dialogue, you will learn how to talk about the days of the week in English. Knowing the days of the week is important for scheduling appointments, making plans, and discussing events. Pay attention to the vocabulary used to describe different days of the week.

Dialogue: Talking about days of the week

Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue: Talking about days of the week

John: Hi, Emily! How was your weekend?

Emily: Hi, John! It was great, thanks. I spent Saturday hiking and Sunday relaxing at home. How about you?

John: Sounds like you had a good time. I had a busy weekend too. On Saturday, I went shopping, and on Sunday, I visited my parents.

Emily: That sounds nice. What are your plans for the rest of the week?

John: Well, on Monday, I have a meeting at work. Then, on Tuesday, I’m going to the gym after work.

Emily: Sounds like a busy start to the week.

John: Yeah, but I’m looking forward to Wednesday because I have dinner plans with some friends.

Emily: That sounds fun. What about Thursday and Friday?

John: On Thursday, I’m going to a concert with my sister, and on Friday, I’m going out for dinner with my colleagues.

Emily: Wow, you have a packed week ahead of you!

John: Yeah, it’s going to be busy, but I’m excited. What about you? Any plans for the week?

Emily: Just the usual work and studying. Maybe we can catch up over the weekend?

John: Definitely! Let’s plan something. Have a great week, Emily!

Emily: You too, John!

Congratulations on completing the dialogue! You’ve learned how to talk about the days of the week in English and discuss plans and activities. Remember to use the names of the days correctly and practice scheduling events. Keep up the good work!

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