In this dialogue, you will learn how to introduce yourself in English. Introducing yourself is the first step in forming connections with others. Pay attention to the phrases used to share information about yourself and initiate conversations.

Dialogue: Introducing yourself

Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue: Introducing yourself

Emily: Hi there! My name is Emily. What’s your name?

Michael: Hello, Emily! Nice to meet you. I’m Michael.

Emily: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Michael. Where are you from?

Michael: I’m from New York City. How about you?

Emily: I’m from Los Angeles, California. What do you do for a living, Michael?

Michael: I work as a software engineer. How about you, Emily?

Emily: I’m a graphic designer. That’s interesting! What are some of your hobbies?

Michael: I enjoy playing guitar and hiking in my free time. How about you?

Emily: I love painting and going to art galleries. We seem to have some common interests!

Michael: That’s great to hear. Maybe we could go hiking or visit an art exhibit together sometime.

Emily: I’d like that. Well, it was nice meeting you, Michael.

Michael: Likewise, Emily. Have a wonderful day!

Congratulations on completing the dialogue! You’ve learned how to introduce yourself and engage in a conversation about personal interests and backgrounds. Keep practicing these phrases to become more confident in your English communication skills. Well done!

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