In this dialogue, you will learn how to identify body parts in English. Knowing the names of different body parts is essential for describing sensations, injuries, and medical conditions. Pay attention to the vocabulary used to describe various body parts.

Dialogue: Identifying body parts

Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue: Identifying body parts

Sarah: Hi, Emily! What happened to your arm? Are you okay?

Emily: Hi, Sarah! Oh, I accidentally bumped into a door. I think I hurt my elbow.

Sarah: Let me take a look. Yes, it looks a bit swollen. You might have bruised it.

Emily: Ow, it hurts when I touch it.

Sarah: I suggest you put some ice on it to reduce the swelling.

Emily: Good idea. Can you help me wrap this ice pack around my elbow?

Sarah: Of course. Here, let me gently place it on your elbow.

Emily: Thank you, Sarah. That feels much better already.

Sarah: No problem. Remember to rest your arm and avoid using it too much.

Emily: Will do. Thanks for taking care of me.

Congratulations on completing the dialogue! You’ve learned how to identify and discuss body parts in English. Remember to use descriptive words and phrases to describe sensations and injuries accurately. Keep practicing, and you’ll become more confident in your English communication skills. Well done!

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