In this dialogue, you will learn how to express likes and dislikes in English. Being able to talk about preferences is useful for expressing your opinions and connecting with others. Pay attention to the vocabulary used to describe likes and dislikes.

Dialogue - Expressing likes and dislikes

Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue: Expressing likes and dislikes

Emily: Hi, Sarah! Do you want to grab some lunch together?

Sarah: Hi, Emily! Sure, I’d love to. What are you in the mood for?

Emily: I was thinking of getting some sushi. How about you?

Sarah: Hmm, I’m not a big fan of sushi. I prefer Italian food.

Emily: That’s okay. How about we go to that Italian restaurant down the street?

Sarah: That sounds perfect! I love their pasta dishes.

Emily: Great! I’ll make a reservation for us.

Sarah: Thanks, Emily. I really appreciate it.

At the restaurant:

Emily: Here we are. What would you like to order?

Sarah: I think I’ll go for the spaghetti carbonara.

Emily: And for me, I’ll have the sushi platter.

Sarah: Enjoy your sushi!

Emily: Thanks! And I hope you enjoy your pasta too.

Congratulations on completing the dialogue! You’ve learned how to express likes and dislikes in English. Remember to use phrases like “I’d love to” and “I’m not a big fan of” to express your preferences politely. Keep practicing, and you’ll become more confident in your English communication skills. Well done!

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