In this dialogue, you will learn how to describe different times of the day in English. Knowing how to describe time helps you communicate effectively and plan your activities. Pay attention to the phrases used to describe morning, afternoon, evening, and night.

Dialogue: Describing time

Listen to the dialogue

Dialogue: Describing time

Emily: Hi, John! What a beautiful day, isn’t it?

John: Hi, Emily! Yes, it certainly is. It’s morning, and the sun is shining brightly.

Emily: I agree. It’s a perfect morning for a walk in the park.

John: Absolutely. Let’s enjoy the morning sunshine.

Emily: Hey, John, what time is it now?

John: Let me check my watch. It’s 2:00 in the afternoon.

Emily: Wow, time flies! It’s already afternoon. I have a meeting at 3:00.

John: Good luck with your meeting, Emily.

Emily: Thanks, John. After my meeting, I’m planning to grab some coffee. Would you like to join me?

John: That sounds like a great idea. I’ll meet you at the café at 4:00.

Emily: Perfect. See you then!

John: See you later, Emily.

Congratulations on completing the dialogue! You’ve learned how to describe different times of the day in English. Remember to use phrases like “morning,” “afternoon,” “evening,” and “night” to describe time accurately. Keep practicing, and you’ll become more confident in your English communication skills. Well done!

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