The words “rational” and “rationale” may seem similar but have distinct meanings. “Rational” refers to the ability to reason, while “rationale” is the explanation or reasoning behind an action or belief.



Rational” is an adjective that describes someone or something that is based on or capable of logical thought and reasoning.


Is it rational to believe that life exists on other planets?

She made a rational decision based on the evidence presented.

It’s important to stay rational during an emergency situation.



Rationale” is a noun that refers to the underlying reason or explanation for an action, decision, or belief.


We do not understand the rationale for selling the business.

The rationale behind his decision was carefully thought out.

She provided a clear rationale for why she changed her career path.

While “rational” describes the ability to think logically, “rationale” refers to the reason or justification behind a decision or action. Both words are related to reasoning, but they serve different grammatical and contextual purposes.

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