Portend” and “pretend” are two words that can easily be mixed up due to their similar sound, but they have entirely different meanings. Understanding the difference between these two verbs will help you use them correctly in various contexts.



Portend” means to indicate or give a warning about something that is likely to happen in the future, often suggesting an omen or a sign of something significant.


An increase in downsizing could portend a tough job market.

Dark clouds portend an approaching storm.

The sudden drop in stock prices may portend an economic recession.



Pretend” means to make believe, act as if something is true when it is not, or to profess something that is not genuine. It is often associated with imaginative play or false claims.


Children like to pretend sometimes that they are adults.

She pretended to be surprised when they threw her a surprise party.

He pretends to be brave, but deep down he is afraid of heights.

Though “portend” and “pretend” sound similar, they have distinct meanings. “Portend” refers to indicating or foreshadowing a future event, while “pretend” involves making something appear real when it is not, often used in the context of imagination or deception. Knowing the difference will help you use these words accurately in speech and writing.

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