Peruse” and “skim” are often used when referring to the act of reading, but they imply very different levels of attention and thoroughness. Understanding the difference between these two words can help convey the exact nature of how something is being read or reviewed.



Peruse means to examine or read something carefully and in detail, often with the intent of understanding it fully.

Examples of use:

They want to peruse the contract thoroughly before signing it to ensure they understand all the terms.

She perused the research paper, noting every detail and implication of the findings.

Before making a purchase, it’s wise to peruse customer reviews to make an informed decision.



Skim means to glance over or read something quickly, focusing only on the main points or general content rather than every detail.

Examples of use:

He intended to skim the material right before the meeting, just to get a general idea of the topics discussed.

She skimmed through the headlines to catch up on the day’s news.

In a rush, he skimmed the first few pages of the book to see if it was worth reading more thoroughly later.

Peruse” implies a careful, detailed examination, while “skim” suggests a quick and superficial reading. Choosing the right word depending on the level of attention given to the material can provide clarity and precision in communication.

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