Paltry” and “petty” are two adjectives that describe something of little value or importance, but they are used in different contexts. “Paltry” refers to something meager or insignificant in quantity, while “petty” describes something minor or trivial. Understanding these differences will help you use each word accurately.



Paltry” means meager, trivial, or insignificant in amount or value.

Examples of use:

The company made a paltry contribution to the fund this year, which disappointed many.

She was offered a paltry sum for her old car, which was worth much more.

The reward for finding the lost item seemed paltry compared to the effort involved.



Petty” means minor, trifling, or of little importance, often used to describe insignificant matters or actions.

Examples of use:

The rules apply to petty offenses and other misdemeanor cases.

His petty arguments about trivial issues were starting to annoy his friends.

The manager dismissed the complaint as a petty issue that did not warrant further attention.

Paltry” refers to something meager or insignificant in value or amount, while “petty” describes something minor or trivial in importance. Knowing these distinctions will help you use these terms correctly in different contexts.

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