The terms “obsolescent” and “obsolete” are related to the concept of something becoming outdated, but they have different nuances. “Obsolescent” describes the process of becoming outdated or falling out of use, while “obsolete” refers to something that is no longer used or has become outmoded. Understanding these distinctions is important for precise communication. This lesson will define each term and provide examples to illustrate their proper usage.



Obsolescent” is an adjective that describes something that is in the process of becoming outdated or falling out of use. It indicates that the object or practice is gradually being replaced or becoming less common.

Examples of use:

Although turntables are obsolescent, they continue to sell well among enthusiasts and collectors.

Many traditional manufacturing methods are becoming obsolescent as newer technologies emerge.

The use of floppy disks is obsolescent, with most data storage now done on USB drives and cloud services.



    Obsolete” is an adjective that describes something that is no longer in use or has become outdated due to advancements or changes in design, style, or technology. It implies that the item or concept is completely outmoded.

    Examples of use:

    The Senate is considering a bill to close obsolete military bases that are no longer needed due to changes in defense strategies.

    Many old computer programs are now considered obsolete as newer software provides more advanced features.

    The company had to update its machinery because the old equipment was deemed obsolete and inefficient.

      While “obsolescent” and “obsolete” both relate to the concept of becoming outdated, they are used in different contexts. “Obsolescent” refers to the process of becoming outdated, suggesting that something is still in use but gradually being replaced. “Obsolete,” on the other hand, describes something that is no longer in use or has become entirely outmoded. Recognizing these distinctions will help you use these terms accurately in various situations.

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