Phrasal verbs are combinations of verbs and prepositions or adverbs that create expressions with meanings different from the original verb.

100 phrasal verbs with “around/round”: complete guide with examples

This article explores 100 phrasal verbs using “around” or “round” – two particles that are often interchangeable in many expressions, though sometimes with subtle differences in usage.

1-10: Movement and location

Walk around

To move on foot in a place with no specific direction.

“We walked around the city center for hours.”

Drive around

To travel by car with no particular destination.

“We drove around the countryside enjoying the scenery.”

Look around

To examine a place by turning your head in different directions.

“She looked around the room to see who else had arrived.”

Move around

To change position or location.

“The children moved around excitedly during the party.”

Gather around

To come together in a circle.

“The family gathered around the table for dinner.”

Hang around

To spend time somewhere with no specific purpose.

“The teenagers were hanging around the mall all afternoon.”

Sit around

To be seated without doing anything productive.

“We sat around talking until midnight.”

Stand around

To remain in one place without doing anything.

“People were standing around waiting for the bus.”

Mill around

To move around in a confused or aimless way in a crowd.

“The tourists were milling around the entrance to the museum.”

Shuffle around

To move with small, dragging steps.

“The elderly man shuffled around his apartment.”

11-20: Circulation and rotation

Turn around

To rotate to face the opposite direction.

“She turned around when she heard her name being called.”

Spin around

To rotate quickly.

“The children spun around until they got dizzy.”

Swing around

To move in a curving motion.

“He swung around to see who was behind him.”

Whirl around

To turn rapidly.

“She whirled around in her new dress.”

Go around

To circulate or move in a circle.

“The Ferris wheel goes around every five minutes.”

Come around

To regain consciousness; or to visit.

“It took her a few minutes to come around after fainting.”

“Why don’t you come around for dinner tomorrow?”

Roll around

To move by turning over and over.

“The ball rolled around on the floor.”

Revolve around

To move in a circular orbit; or to focus on.

“The planets revolve around the sun.”

“His life revolves around his work.”

Rotate around

To move in a circle around an axis.

“The Earth rotates around its axis once every 24 hours.”

Circle around

To move in a circular path around something.

“The sharks circled around their prey.”

21-30: Distribution and sharing

Pass around

To give something to several people in turn.

“She passed around the photographs for everyone to see.”

Hand around

To distribute to various people.

“The host handed around refreshments to the guests.”

Share around

To divide among several people.

“There were only a few cookies, so we had to share them around.”

Spread around

To distribute or scatter over an area.

“The news spread around the office quickly.”

Go around

To be sufficient for everyone.

“There isn’t enough food to go around.”

Send around

To circulate or distribute.

“The memo was sent around to all departments.”

Give around

(This phrase is not commonly used in English. You may want to use “hand out” or “distribute” instead.)

“The teacher handed out assignment sheets to the class.”

Show around

To display to multiple people or places.

“She showed around her engagement ring to all her friends.”

Put around

To distribute information or rumors.

“Someone had been putting around false information about the company.”

Get around

To circulate (information).

“Word got around that the company was going to downsize.”

31-40: Avoidance and evasion

Get around

To circumvent or find a way to avoid.

“He got around the rules by finding a loophole.”

Work around

To find a solution that bypasses a problem.

“We’ll have to work around the budget constraints.”

Maneuver around

To skillfully move past obstacles.

“The driver maneuvered around the potholes in the road.”

Navigate around

To find a path around obstacles.

“The ship navigated around the rocky shoreline.”

Dance around

To avoid addressing a topic directly.

“The politician danced around the controversial question.”

Skirt around

To avoid dealing with something.

“The report skirted around the main issues.”

Beat around the bush

To avoid coming to the point.

“Stop beating around the bush and tell me what happened.”

Dodge around

To avoid by sudden movement.

“He dodged around the question with vague answers.”

Side-step around

To avoid dealing with something.

“The CEO side-stepped around questions about the company’s financial problems.”

Tiptoe around

To be extremely careful when dealing with something.

“Everyone tiptoes around the boss when he’s in a bad mood.”

41-50: Exploration and investigation

Look around

To explore a place.

“We looked around the museum for a couple of hours.”

Poke around

To search or investigate casually.

“He was poking around in the attic looking for old photographs.”

Nose around

To investigate in a prying way.

“The journalist was nosing around for a story.”

Snoop around

To investigate secretly or intrusively.

“Someone has been snooping around my desk.”

Scout around

To search for something.

“We’ll scout around for a better deal.”

Browse around

To look at things casually.

“We browsed around the shops without buying anything.”

Shop around

To compare prices or options before making a purchase.

“It’s worth shopping around to get the best insurance rate.”

Hunt around

To search carefully.

“She hunted around for her missing keys.”

Dig around

To search thoroughly.

“I dug around in my closet looking for my winter boots.”

Rummage around

To search by moving things around.

“He was rummaging around in the drawer for a pen.”

51-60: Time and organization

Plan around

To organize something taking into account a particular factor.

“We’ll have to plan around the weather for the outdoor event.”

Schedule around

To arrange timing in consideration of something.

“I can schedule my appointments around your availability.”

Work around

To arrange one’s work schedule to accommodate something.

“I can work around your busy schedule.”

Build around

To create something with a particular factor as the central element.

“The marketing campaign was built around environmental sustainability.”

Organize around

To arrange according to a central theme or principle.

“The conference was organized around the theme of innovation.”

Structure around

To arrange with a particular element as the foundation.

“The course is structured around practical exercises.”

Center around

To focus on a particular topic or issue.

“The discussion centered around climate change solutions.”

Revolve around

To have something as a central focus.

“Their family life revolves around their children’s activities.”

Come around

For a regular event to occur again.

“Christmas comes around so quickly each year.”

Roll around

For a time or event to arrive again.

“When Monday rolled around, she still hadn’t finished her assignment.”

61-70: Persuasion and change

Win around

To persuade someone to change their opinion.

“After much discussion, she managed to win him around to her point of view.”

Talk around

To persuade by talking.

“He talked her around to accepting the job offer.”

Bring around

To cause someone to regain consciousness; or to persuade.

“They brought her around with smelling salts.”

“I finally brought him around to my way of thinking.”

Come around

To change one’s opinion.

“He was opposed to the idea at first, but eventually came around.”

Turn around

To change something completely.

“The new manager turned the failing business around.”

Get around to

To finally do something after delaying.

“I never got around to finishing that book.”

Come around to

To eventually accept or adopt an idea.

“She’s slowly coming around to the idea of moving abroad.”

Swing around

To change one’s opinion dramatically.

“Public opinion swung around after the scandal broke.”

Think around

To consider all aspects of a problem.

“We need to think around this issue more thoroughly.”

Work around to

To gradually reach a point of discussing or doing something.

“He slowly worked around to asking for a pay raise.”

71-80: Visibility and appearance

See around

To visit or explore a place.

“We spent the day seeing around the historic sites.”

Show around

To guide someone on a tour.

“The realtor showed us around the house.”

Take around

To guide on a tour.

“She took her parents around her new university.”

Guide around

To lead someone through a place.

“The museum docent guided us around the exhibition.”

Look around

To observe surroundings.

“Take a moment to look around and appreciate the view.”

Glance around

To look quickly in various directions.

“She glanced around nervously before sharing the secret.”

Peer around

To look carefully or with difficulty.

“The child peered around the corner to see if Santa had come.”

Wave around

To move something in the air.

“Don’t wave that knife around, it’s dangerous!”

Flash around

To display ostentatiously.

“He was flashing around his new smartphone.”

Flaunt around

To display something boastfully.

“She was flaunting around her engagement ring.”

81-90: Assistance and support

Help around

To assist with tasks in a place.

“The children help around the house on weekends.”

Be around

To be available or present.

“I’ll be around if you need any help.”

Stick around

To stay or remain in a place.

“Stick around after the meeting, I need to talk to you.”

Hang around

To wait or stay somewhere.

“I’ll hang around until you’re ready to leave.”

Stay around

To remain in a location.

“Why don’t you stay around for dinner?”

Mess around

To behave in a silly or playful way; or to waste time.

“The kids were messing around in the backyard.”

“Stop messing around and get to work.”

Fool around

To act in a playful or silly manner.

“The students were fooling around instead of studying.”

Play around

To experiment with something.

“I’ve been playing around with different recipe ideas.”

Get around

To manage or deal with a problem.

“We’ll find a way to get around this obstacle.”

Rally around

To gather in support.

“The community rallied around the family after their house fire.”

91-100: Miscellaneous uses

Wrap around

To fold or wind something around an object.

“She wrapped the scarf around her neck.”

Wind around

To follow a twisting path.

“The river winds around the mountains.”

Coil around

To form circles or spirals.

“The snake coiled around the branch.”

Twist around

To turn in a winding manner.

“The path twisted around the lake.”

Ask around

To question several people.

“I’ll ask around to see if anyone knows a good plumber.”

Knock around

To travel or move from place to place.

“He’s been knocking around Europe for the past year.”

Bum around

To spend time idly.

“We bummed around the beach all day.”

Throw around

To mention casually or carelessly.

“Don’t throw around accusations without evidence.”

Push around

To bully or dominate.

“He doesn’t let anyone push him around at work.”

Order around

To give commands in a bossy way.

“She doesn’t like being ordered around by her younger brother.”

Mastering phrasal verbs with “around” or “round” will significantly enhance your English fluency and help you sound more natural. These versatile particles add richness to expressions related to movement, location, time, and many other concepts. Remember that in many cases, “around” and “round” can be used interchangeably, though “around” is more common in American English while “round” is more prevalent in British English. Practice using these phrasal verbs in context to strengthen your command of idiomatic English.

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